Early Enrollment from  June 17th - June 30th 

Limited spots available!

Swift Steps:

The Recovery Community for Swifties 

Where your love for Taylor Swift and her music isn't just understood: 

it's a vital part of your recovery!

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Are you ready for it?

Join Swift Steps today and immerse yourself in a community where you’ll forge invaluable connections, gain deep insights, and experience profound personal growth. Our meetings offer a unique blend of peer support, recovery mentor led discussions, and interactive sessions that explore themes of resilience, healing, and empowerment. With each gathering, you’ll learn new strategies for coping, connect with others who share your journey, and find inspiration in shared stories and experiences. Let’s move forward together, empowered by a community that enriches every step of your recovery.

Swift Steps Memberships Offer:

At Swift Steps, we believe in the healing power of community and the transformative strength of Taylor Swift's music. Our inclusive recovery community supports Swifties facing a wide range of challenges, from substance use disorder to codependency, heartbreak, toxic familial relationships, gambling and even compulsive behaviors.

A Safe Space: 

A safe, private community where you can ask questions, share your story, and be celebrated by other Swifties.

Curated Resources: 

Curated lists of books, podcasts, music playlists, films, tv shows, sober celebrities, ted talks and more.

Affordable and Accessible:

 Memberships follow a pay what you can model for limited access to one weekly meeting or a  low monthly fee for unlimited access to meetings!

Empowerment with Music:

Use Taylor's lyrics as a guide and inspiration in your recovery to begin to viewing your recovery through an entirely new lens!

Swiftie Peer Support:

 This voluntary option is a great way to make personal connections and ask questions 1:1 with someone who has been where you are.

Swiftie Support Meetings:

Attend our weekly meetings, with the freedom to share your story or remain anonymous. Perfect for those who prefer to listen and learn, our meetings are as engaging as a live podcast—join in, share when you're ready, or simply listen!

Supportive Community:

An inclusive, accepting and supportive community of Swifties who are either in recovery or exploring recovery including those who are newly sober, sober curious, struggling to stay sober, have family members in recovery.

Swiftie Business Directory: 

At Swift Steps, we believe in the power of community not just for emotional support, but also in our economic interactions. Our Swiftie Business Directory is a unique feature where members can connect with businesses and side hustles run by fellow Swifties. We are supporting our own community with our recovery capital, we are supporting economic empowerment among Swifties and building connections!

Do you feel like you don't really fit into any recovery community?

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Non-Traditional Path Embraced

If traditional 12-step programs like AA & NA don't resonate with you, Swift Steps provides an inclusive space that celebrates diverse approaches to recovery. Here, you're encouraged to follow the path that best suits you, not just the "traditional" routes.

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Judgment-Free Zone

Feel like your unique beliefs and recovery choices are often misunderstood or criticized in conventional settings? At Swift Steps, we prioritize understanding and respecting the individuality of your recovery journey, ensuring you feel supported, not judged.

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Harm Reduction Support

Are you opting for harm reduction strategies and facing criticism for it? Swift Steps advocates for all pathways to recovery, including harm reduction. We offer a compassionate community that supports your choices and champions your right to recover in a way that makes sense for you, free from judgment.


Imagine how it would feel to...

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be part of a community that embraces every aspect of your journey, recognizing that recovery is not "one size fits all" approach and valuing your unique recovery journey!

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connect with others who understand the importance of harm reduction, providing a space where you can share and learn without judgment!

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find support and encouragement from fellow fans who not only understand your love for Taylor’s music but also your personal struggles and triumphs!


Join us at Swift Steps, where the true worth of membership transcends the usual loneliness associated with sobriety, recovery and celebrity admiration, providing a warm and welcoming community to all who love Taylor Swift. it’s an investment in a priceless journey. It's a gift to yourself, a commitment to your recovery, and an entry into a community where the true worth of membership is far beyond what you pay.

A Gift of Community: 

While the monthly membership fee  helps sustain our community, the real value lies in what money can’t buy. Joining Swift Steps offers more than just access; it provides entry into a space where all pathways to recovery are welcome and the invisible string of Taylor Swift connects us all. 

Sense of Belonging:

By joining Swift Steps, you don’t just gain access to meetings and discounts to our merch and courses; you become part of a family. Here, acceptance and understanding are given freely, especially important in the often isolating world of fandom and recovery. This fosters a deep sense of belonging that transcends the usual loneliness associated with both recovery and having a love for a celebrity.

Shared Experience and Empathy:

Our community thrives on shared experiences, where empathy flows freely. This connection creates a comforting space that significantly eases the loneliness often associated with recovery and the unique isolation that can come from intense fandom. The value of knowing you are not alone is beyond any price.

Emotional Support:

At Swift Steps, the emotional support you receive from peers, your fellow Swifties—people who care genuinely and are always ready to listen—is a cornerstone of our community. This kind of support is invaluable, especially during tough times.

Mutual Encouragement:

The encouragement from fellow members, celebrating your victories and supporting you through challenges, can uplift and transform your recovery journey. This ongoing support is a continuous gift.

Increased Self-awareness and Personal Growth:

 The insights and personal growth you experience through our community interactions are profound. These cannot be bought but are fostered through genuine sharing and feedback.

Hope and Inspiration:

The stories of recovery and perseverance you’ll hear are not just inspiring—they're life-changing. The hope that springs from our community's collective strength is a beacon for all members, especially those just starting their journey or feeling isolated in their fandom.

Unconditional Acceptance:

The unconditional acceptance you find at Swift Steps allows you to be your true self in a supportive environment. This acceptance is a powerful component of healing and worth more than any fee.

Priceless Learning and Growth:

Every conversation and shared story is an opportunity to learn something new about recovery, life, and yourself. These lessons are invaluable and foster growth that money cannot buy.

Building Trust and Friendships:

The relationships and trust you build within Swift Steps provide a network of support that extends beyond ordinary social ties. These connections are priceless, offering comfort and friendship that endure, bridging the gap between the loneliness of fandom and the shared joy of community.

Two membership options:

 Scholarships Available!

This is Me Trying Membership:

an honor system of pay what you can.

At Swift Steps, we believe that recovery is a journey that should be accessible to everyone, regardless of financial circumstances. That's why we are committed to making our community both financially feasible and supportive for all members.

Here’s how we ensure everyone can participate:

  • Full Access to the Facebook Community: Members can fully engage by posting, commenting, and participating in discussions, enhancing their connection with the community.
  • Free SPEAK NOW Speaker Meetings: These volunteer-run meetings are a cornerstone of our community. At SPEAK Now, Swifties in recovery share their personal journeys, discussing how Taylor Swift's music has been instrumental in their healing process. This popular meeting is open to all, providing a platform for connection and inspiration without any cost.
  • Volunteer Appreciation: Volunteers who share their stories at SPEAK Now are gifted a Swift Steps friendship bracelet, handcrafted by our community leader, Emily Bee. This token of appreciation symbolizes our gratitude for their courage and commitment to supporting fellow Swifties.
  • Pay What You Can: Recognizing the varied financial situations of our members, Swift Steps offers a "pay what you can" option. This approach allows you to contribute in a way that fits your financial situation, ensuring that no one is excluded due to cost.
  • Swiftie Directory Listing: Members get listed in the Swiftie Business Directory, increasing visibility for their businesses and side hustles within the community.
  • Economic Empowerment: Engaging with the Swiftie Business Directory allows members to contribute to the success of their peers, turning everyday transactions into meaningful exchanges that reinforce our shared values and commitments.
  • A Unique Community: Swift Steps isn’t just a recovery group; it’s a thriving community of Swifties who understand the power of music in healing. By joining, you gain access to a supportive network of individuals who share your experiences and passions, all dedicated to mutual support and recovery.

Out of the Woods Membership


This membership builds on the benefits provided in the pay what you can membership by offering enhanced features and engagement opportunities. 

Here's a breakdown of what this membership includes: 

  • Full Access to the Facebook Community: Members can fully engage by posting, commenting, and participating in discussions, enhancing their connection with the community.
  • Free SPEAK NOW Speaker Meetings: These volunteer-run meetings are a cornerstone of our community. At SPEAK Now, Swifties in recovery share their personal journeys, discussing how Taylor Swift's music has been instrumental in their healing process. This popular meeting is open to all, providing a platform for connection and inspiration without any cost.
  • Volunteer Appreciation: Volunteers who share their stories at SPEAK Now are gifted a Swift Steps friendship bracelet, handcrafted by our community leader, Emily Bee. This token of appreciation symbolizes our gratitude for their courage and commitment to supporting fellow Swifties.
  • Thursday Check-In: A dedicated time each week for members to share updates on their recovery journey, offering support and encouragement to each other.
  • Saturday Lyric Prompt: Creative sessions that use Taylor Swift lyrics as prompts to explore songs through the lens of recovery, fostering deeper personal insights and group discussions.
  • Sunday It's Giving Gratitude: These meetings focus on sharing gratitude, which promotes a positive outlook and reinforces the benefits of recognizing the good in one's life.
  • Holiday Meetings: Father's Day, July 4th, Labor Day, 9/11, Halloween, Election Day, After Election Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Eve, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas Eve, Christmas, Day After Christmas. Hanukkah, NYE Party, New Years Day, MLK/Inauguration Day, Super Bowl Watch Party, Valentine's Day, 4/20 and Easter, Cinco De Mayo, Mother's Day and Memorial Day.  Approx 250 Meetings/Year!
  • Etsy Discount: Members receive a 13% discount code valid for any purchase from the user's Etsy shop during the subscription period, encouraging support and financial interaction within the Swiftie community. 
  • Swiftie Directory Listing: Members get listed in the Swiftie Business Directory, increasing visibility for their businesses and side hustles within the community.
  • Economic Empowerment: Engaging with the Swiftie Business Directory allows members to contribute to the success of their peers, turning everyday transactions into meaningful exchanges that reinforce our shared values and commitments.
  • A Unique Community: Swift Steps isn’t just a recovery group; it’s a thriving community of Swifties who understand the power of music in healing. By joining, you gain access to a supportive network of individuals who share your experiences and passions, all dedicated to mutual support and recovery. 

This is Me Trying

you decide

pay what you can, when you can 

sign up for $0 today!

Limited Access Membership

Rolling Enrollment!

Out Of The Woods

$33 monthly

lowest ever intro pricing

Full Access Membership

Limited Enrollment!

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Exclusive Offer! 

Be among the first 13 members to join the "Out of the Woods" Membership and receive free access to our 13 week journaling workshop, "Blank Spaces & Brave Faces."

Learn More

Exclusive  Offer!


Be among the first 13 Swifties to sign up for the “This is Me Trying” membership with a minimum of $13.00/monthly receive an exclusive ERAS tour movie poster!

Courtesy of Swift Steps

OG Member James C!


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Hey there, I'm Julianne Griffin, the Founder of Swift Steps! Growing up amidst alcoholism, drug addiction, mental health challenges, and domestic abuse, I bore the scars of those traumas. And even as I tried to distance myself from the legacy of my upbringing, addiction found me in numerous forms: from food to shopping, from relationships to substances. 

At an early age, I assumed the role of caregiver for my younger brother and sister, navigating the complexities of life with resilience and determination as my parents battled addiction. This experience instilled in me a strong sense of responsibility and an unwavering commitment to support those around me. 

My journey to recovery wasn't linear, I struggled with relapses, leaned on maintenance medications, outpatient programs, and used various harm reduction tools. I was convinced that formal treatment wasn't for me but what I truly needed was genuine human connection. It was only when I surrounded myself with compassionate individuals who truly understood my struggles that I was able to shed the weight of shame and grow beyond my challenges. 


Hi, I'm Emily Bee, The Community Leader of Swift Steps! At a young age, I lost a sister from drug addiction. That major life event, at just 11 years old, completely shifted my perception of life and flipped my world upside down. I wish I could have been there to support her in any way that she needed, but I was too young. 

Being a part of Swift Steps is how I show up for others now that I am older, educated, and capable. Through my personal life experiences with codependency, mental illness, abusive familial relationships, toxic friendships & neurodivergence, I have learned so much that I want to share with others and provide peer support for people who are going through similar things. 

I know from my experiences how lonely all of these things can be and I don’t want others to feel alone. 

We all need a friend who will understand, so… “it’s me, hi!”

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Read What People Are Saying!

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I'm glad you're still here!


There are only 50 spots available for enrollment in our full access plan!


Join now while memberships are at 

their lowest 




Swift Steps is rapidly growing! 


Claim your spot NOW!

Get started now!​

Choose your payment...

This is Me Trying

$0 plus

one time payment

pay what you can

limited access

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Out Of The Woods



paid membership

full access

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OOTW: Yearly




paid membership

full access

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Swiftie Scholarship



paid membership

full access

Donate Now!


Swiftie Scholarship 

We understand that financial situations can vary.

We want to make sure that everyone has access to the support they need.

If you’re facing any of the following situations, consider applying for the Swift Steps Scholarship:

  1. Experiencing Financial Hardship: If you're currently facing financial difficulties and can't afford the membership fee, now is the perfect time to apply.
  2. Unexpected Expenses: If unexpected expenses have impacted your budget and you need support, consider applying for a scholarship.
  3. Temporary Unemployment: If you are temporarily unemployed or experiencing a reduction in income, apply to continue receiving support without financial stress.
  4. Students or Low-Income Individuals: If you are a student or have a low income and find it challenging to afford the membership fee, apply for a scholarship to get the support you need.

Frequently Asked Questions

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