Embark on a transformative journey with:

 "Blank Spaces & Brave Faces"

 a 13-week workshop designed for Swifties at any stage of their recovery journey. This unique course blends guided journaling prompts with the emotional depth of Taylor Swift's music to inspire, empower, and facilitate profound self-discovery and healing. Join us to connect with your recovery narrative and embrace your story with compassion and acceptance. Celebrate your journey through the art of storytelling and music.


What You Will Receive:


  • Weekly Journaling Prompts: 

    Engage with Taylor Swift's lyrics in a deeply personal way. Each week, you’ll receive prompts that encourage introspection and growth, helping you connect more deeply with your own recovery narrative. Dive into the themes and emotions that resonate with your journey, finding your voice and reclaiming your story through each lyric.

  • Monthly Group Mentoring Sessions: 

    Join other Swifties in recovery for monthly sessions where we'll share, reflect, and support each other. These sessions underscore the importance of community and shared experiences in the healing process, providing validation and support as we navigate the highs and lows together.

  • A Journey of Transformation: 

    By the end of the workshop, you'll see a profound change in how you view your personal story. The challenges you face will be met with newfound courage and resilience, with Taylor Swift's music as your guiding light. You'll have transformed your relationship with yourself, shedding the shame and embracing your story with courage and resilience.

  • Flexibility to Suit Your Needs: 

    Understanding that every Swiftie’s journey is unique, participants are welcome to engage with the workshop at their own pace. Whether you choose to attend the live sessions or prefer to work through the journaling prompts independently, you will find invaluable resources and support.

Here’s what you’ll learn in the course!

  • Interpreting Emotional Themes in Music: You'll learn how to interpret and connect with the emotional themes present in Taylor Swift's music, applying these insights to your own life experiences. This will enhance your ability to use music as a tool for reflection and emotional exploration.

  • Effective Journaling Techniques: Gain expertise in various journaling techniques that promote self-discovery and emotional healing. You'll learn how to effectively use journaling as a means to explore personal issues, set recovery goals, and document your progress in a meaningful way.

  • Building Emotional Resilience: Discover strategies to build emotional resilience that can help you manage and overcome challenges encountered during recovery. This includes learning how to stay motivated, handle setbacks, and maintain a positive outlook through ups and downs.

  • Creating and Sustaining Supportive Relationships: Learn the importance of community and how to create and sustain supportive relationships within the recovery process. This part of the workshop focuses on developing communication skills, empathy, and understanding, which are crucial for building strong bonds with others who share similar paths.

Bonus #1:

Personalized Feedback on Journal Entries:

Offers personalized feedback on selected journal entries from a certified recovery mentor. This bonus allows participants to gain deeper insights into their thoughts and feelings, helping them refine their self-expression and personal growth strategies. It adds a valuable layer of interaction and tailored guidance to their recovery journey.

Bonus #2:

Lifetime Access to Workshop Materials:

Participants will receive lifetime access to all workshop materials, including journaling prompts, session recordings, and supplementary resources. This ensures they can continue to benefit from the workshop long after it has ended, revisiting the materials whenever they need guidance or inspiration on their recovery path.

When you add it all up, that’s a value of over $1,200!

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3 Payments



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Hi, I'm Julianne Griffin, the founder of Swift Steps! Growing up amidst alcoholism, drug addiction, mental health challenges, and domestic abuse, I bore the scars of those traumas. Even as I tried to distance myself from the legacy of my upbringing, addiction found me in numerous forms: from food to shopping, from relationships to substances.

At an early age, I assumed the role of caregiver for my younger brother and sister, navigating the complexities of life with resilience and determination as my parents battled addiction. This experience instilled in me a strong sense of responsibility and an unwavering commitment to support those around me.

My journey to recovery wasn't linear. I struggled with relapses, leaned on maintenance medications, attended outpatient programs, and used various harm reduction tools. I was convinced that formal treatment wasn't for me, but what I truly needed was genuine human connection. It was only when I surrounded myself with compassionate individuals who truly understood my struggles that I was able to shed the weight of shame and grow beyond my challenges.

Why Join This Journey with Me?

  1. Expertly Designed Course: As a recovery mentor with firsthand experience, I designed "Blank Spaces & Brave Faces" to be a comprehensive and supportive program. This course is tailored to meet the needs of Swifties in recovery, providing a unique blend of guided journaling prompts and the emotional depth of Taylor Swift's music.

  2. Personal Support: I'm here to support you every step of the way. My role as your recovery mentor means that you will have access to my guidance, empathy, and understanding as you navigate your recovery journey.

  3. Community Connection: Over the course of 13 weeks, you will meet other Swifties on this journey during our monthly group mentoring sessions. These sessions, held three times over the course of the program, provide a space for sharing, reflecting, and supporting each other, fostering a sense of community and mutual support.

  4. Embrace Your Story: This workshop is designed to help you connect with your recovery narrative, embrace your story with compassion and acceptance, and drop the guilt and shame. Through the art of storytelling and music, you'll find the strength to celebrate your journey and growth.

  5. Holistic Approach: The course incorporates various tools and strategies, from harm reduction to emotional support, ensuring that every individual's unique needs are met. This holistic approach is designed to facilitate profound self-discovery and healing.

By joining me on this transformative journey, you'll gain access to a supportive community of Swifties, receive personalized guidance from someone who understands your struggles, and engage in a course designed to inspire and empower you. Let's navigate the challenges together, celebrate the victories, and create a space where healing and growth are possible through the power of connection and music.